Yep, you're looking at the same Sunday Dinner button again, for about the third or fourth week in a row.
It's almost 8:30 pm and it's still 89*F outside.
I have no idea who will or won't be here for Sunday Dinner.
I don't really know what I'd cook if I did fix Sunday Dinner.
So, there you have it. Too many unknowns and uncertainties, so as of this moment, I ain't cookin'.
Don't worry, as it cools off and things settle down, I'm sure I'll be cooking Sunday Dinners again real soon. Maybe not next Sunday or even the Sunday after, but soon...
Now, what are your plans for Sunday Dinner? Just post your menu or your intentions in the comments to play along.In other news, also related to my not cooking Sunday Dinner, Jessica and Jason have spent the last several evenings and today moving to another apartment, and they'll most likely still be settling in and unpacking on Sunday. Jessica's new job includes some perks and she's able to live in some of the apartments she manages for a greatly reduced rent. It was a good enough deal that they made the decision to move all the way across town to an upstairs apartment.
Yes, you read that correctly, an upstairs apartment. Moving. In temperatures hovering at and above 100*F. Just Jessica and Jason. Emmy has been with Jason's Mom since she left here Friday evening so that Jessica and Jason could concentrate on moving without worrying about Emmy getting too hot or discontented.
I can't carry anything up and down the stairs but Lamar and I offered to help where we could and Jessica and Jason said that since it was their decision to move and it wasn't a have-to case, they would just do all the moving themselves. Hey, we offered, but I'm proud of them for taking responsibility for their decisions. I did caution them to drink lots of water and take breaks out of the heat. I'll bet they're tired puppies about now, but they can be proud of what they've accomplished together, just the two of them.
On top of the heat Jason has the mother of all summer colds/allergies/sinus infections and is pretty miserable. He sounds like he has an old sock up his nose, bless him. And he's job hunting. He's done several interviews and has applications at multiple places and hopes to hear something soon. Not much else going on here. How many ways can you say it's hot and we need rain desperately? It's just part of summer in the South, Arkansas in particular.
My sister DONNA and I had talked about going camping this weekend but decided that it was just too hot right now, plus there were a lot of uncertainties and things just didn't come together like we wanted them to so we postponed it until next weekend. If everything works out we'll probably go camping at GUNNER POOL next weekend. It's supposed to cool down just a bit and Jessica is supposed to have Friday off work and I won't have Emmy so we should be able to leave for GUNNER POOL that afternoon.
We'd like to leave early enough to get there in plenty of time to hopefully get a good camping spot and get set up before dark. No electricity there at all, only faucets scattered here and there and toilets, no showers. If you followed my links to two of my posts from last year when we camped at Gunner Pool you can see pictures and you'll know why we love it so much up there. I need the time away from the everyday here at home and I know Donna does as well.
If we do get to go camping I should be home Sunday afternoon, and Lamar is leaving Sunday morning on his way to Dallas/Ft. Worth to visit his brother again. We'll be like two ships passing in the night, as it were. We'll miss seeing each other by about 6 hours, give or take an hour. He'll feed the cats before he leaves that morning and I'll get home in time to feed them again that evening.
More news about the camping trip as the week progresses...BARB, I managed to find one of those Cuisin*art ice cream makers but Sam*s Club didn't have any of the $40 ones left so I had to get mine at Bed*Bath*&*Beyond and pay $50 for it. But I did have a coupon for $5 off any purchase over $15 so that took care of the tax and I actually got it for about $49.
I love it! I already knew I wanted one because my sister Ducky has one and she's brought it over before so we could make ice cream on Sunday afternoons and other times. It's so convenient and handy and I love that you don't have to fool with ice and rock salt, plus it's fast! It only takes about 20 minutes or less to freeze 1½ quarts of ice cream, frozen yogurt or sorbet, and it also includes recipes for some semi-frozen drinks.
I think this was a wise purchase and will be well used.Two of my good blogging buddies, PRAIRIE FARMERESS and LYNNE AT LYNNE'S LITTLE CORNER OF THE WORLD were gracious enough to award me the Nice Matters award. Thanks, girls, I appreciate it so much, and you both are two of the nicest blogging buddies a girl could have.
**Edited to add: My sister DONNA at ZZTOP'S LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN also gave me this award HERE and I want to acknowledge it and thank her as well. I appreciate it Sis, and I think you're pretty nice as well. Love you more than that Cecil heifer, too. ;-)
Thanks, y'all! It will be posted proudly in my sidebar, and I'll think of y'all and Carole At Pea's Corner every time I see the Nice Matters button. Carole honored me with the award just a few days back. It means more to me than I could ever tell y'all. As usual, I still have my Sunday School lesson to study and a few other things to get done before bedtime tonight.
And speaking of ice cream, I think I'll make a batch of premium vanilla right now and have a big cup of hot, strong Columbian Supreme coffee with it...Y'all have a wonderful weekend, and may God bless you with all you need, and enough to share with those less fortunate than you.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Sunday Dinner, August 12, 2007
8:08 PM
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Hi Miss Diane,
How wonderful that Jessica gets reduced rent for her apartment. I don’t think I would like those stairs though but she is much younger than I am. (lol) Poor Jason…I pray he feels better soon. What a terrible thing to deal with while moving. Several of my friends are dealing with the same thing. Also, praying for God to send just the right job for him. I know He will because He did it for me.
Sunday dinner here will be fixed by paid help of the restaurant kind. No heating up the kitchen around here.
Have a blessed Sunday my sweet friend.
Love and Hugs, Lyndy
shew I know about moving in August to an upstairs apt. Done that, twice, won't do it again!
I tagged you!
That sounds like such hot work to move to an upstairs apartment in those temps!
Hope your camping trip works out, I remember how much you enjoyed it the last time!
Sunday dinner? If we hadn't just gone out on Friday for lunch, I'd suggest that, but I suspect that I'll be cooking. Cook's surprise, that's it! I'm feeling not too inspired!
(can you tell??)
Doesn't the Bible say something about not worrying about tomorrow? I'll have to look it up.
I have absolutely no clue what's on for dinner tomorrow. It's hot and I'm T A R D!! Maybe tuna or ham salad sandwiches and store bought potato salad?
Matthew 6:34.
Leave it to me to rationalize anything, given enough time.
Great news about Jessica and Jason's rent
Hope Jason gets better soon
hope next weekend works out for you
have a good rest of the weekend my friend :)
I'm tard too, I'm gonna read a few blogs and call it a night. I bet J&J lost about 10lbs running up and down those stairs today!!
I would hate to move!! Just going camping is enough like moving to know I don't want to do it.
Night Sister love you.
I remember your post about Gunner Pool from last year - can't believe that time has flown so fast!
You'll love that ice cream maker, we have one and the ice cream is yummy. Good that you got the kind that doesn't need rock salt, we had one of those first and it was a pain to use.
Enjoy your dinner (but it's Sunday evening here in Australia), so your Sunday dinner must be a ways off???
Oh my I feel for those kids moving in August...but they will be so proud when they are finished. If they can get a break on rent then they should definitely take advantage. So many other exspenses come up and it is nice to have a little money left over.
I have a little something for the baby and I would really appreciate it if you would email me your address...I have been meaning to ask for such a long time.
Try and stay cool.
I don't envy Jessica and Jason moving in this heat. It's enough to make you want to curl up in the a/c until November.
Sunday dinner here will be a buffet of leftovers. Chicken salad, spaghetti, barbecue or Mexican casserole...but probably not all at the same time.
The heat wave y'all are going through has been on the news constantly, Diane, and every time I hear about it, I think of you. No thanks. That kind of heat makes me physically ill so I can't say I blame you for not getting out in it any more than you have to.
Isn't that countertop ice cream maker just the slickest thing? I love mine. I love that it's quick and makes small batches. I try to discipline myself when it comes to buying new kitchen things because it's a huge weakness of mine, but I couldn't resist that ice cream maker.
I'll let you know what we're having for dinner when we get home from Sam's Club today. LOL
Hope you have a great week, stay cool and get to go on that camping trip. I know you love that spot.
Whew! I'm home from Sam's. Chicken divan, asparagus salad and French bread! LOL
Congratulations on your "Nice" award! You certainly deserve it.
Moving is exhausting in the best of times. I can't imagine doing it in this heat. I hope they get all settled in quickly.
Hi Diane,
It's terribly hot her too. We're heading to Oklahoma on wednesday, and I think it's even hotter there!! Oh well...we'll just make the best of it.
We ate out today for my Mom's birthday - so no cooking around here either.
I'm glad the kids are getting a nicer apartment. Ah youth...I'm sure they managed just fine despite the heat and Jason's allergies. I'm proud of them too!!
The camping sounds like fun. It should at least be a tiny bit cooler in the evenings.
Have a great week!
Oh - and congratulations on the well deserved reward.
It's been really hot here too. And we sat in the sun for a Reds game and a free MercyMe concert yesterday. HOT! And I got sunburned (of course), I always do.
That's awesome for Jessica and Jason! Not the moving part but the reduced rent. :)
Well, have a good week!
Nice to catch up with ya...I didn't cook a lick yesterday, it is my only day off from cooking so most times I'm gonna be eating out...except for next Sunday when the new "grands" want to come see us!
So, for lunch yesterday I had a chicken sandwich at a shop called "Cluck-a-doodle-do" at the mall and later for supper we had a bacon cheeseburger with onion rings at Applebee's....I sure do luv those onion rings!
Congrats on the award my sweet friend!
Leftovers is on the menu at my house. But I actually need to cook something BIG so I can have plenty of leftovers to warm up quickly for the kids dinner - they come in the door starving and if they eat a snack, then they don't want dinner...
Hello Mz Diane:-)
Yesterday for dinner....I went to the Chip Stand and got an order of fries and onion rings! I couldn't be bothered to cook! lol
Oh dear, seems to me Jason & Jess moved not too long ago and now moving again!! But then, if it was a good move, then why not:-) Poor Jason, he must be feeling miserable indeed! Fingers crossed that he gets a job soon!!!
I do hope you get to go camping, I know how much you enjoy that:-) Let's hope it cools down first for you!
Ooooh an ice cream machine....I'll have to look into that one! Take care my friend!! xoxo
Feel like I've got an old sock up my nose too! Blech!
Saying a prayer for Emmy!
I lost your link when I switched templates. So glad to have found you again!
(The Woman)
You think it's hot now...wait 'til you and Donna hit the tent that first I'll be here.. I hope that y'all have a good time and don't die of heat stroke... I gotta have my air.... But maybe we'll get a break with the heat and it won't be so bad next weekend.. hope so anyway..see ya tomorrow.. Lord willing..
Phew, I don't envy Jessica and Jason the job of moving in that kind of heat. We did an upstairs apartment move in November and that seemed bad enough at the time. Soft bunch, aren't we? :) But how great that they can get a nice place at reduced rent. Don't we all need breaks like that when we're starting out?
I slept through Sunday dinner again, which is becoming as much of a habit as your not cooking! I almost slept through supper, too, so the other two ended up ordering in pizza, as it takes me ages to wake up properly, when I do surface. Big mistake, as it made us all feel sick. I'll take the hint and be in cooking form next Sunday!
Premium vanilla ice cream, with a big cup of strong coffee? You're speaking my language, dear lady! :)
Hope you and yours have a great week ... and hopefully some cooler temperatures!
I put stuffed peppers in the crockpot before we left to see the new Harry Potter. So nice to walk in the door to dinner ready. As hot as it's been, a crockpot is a lifesaver! I also bought the ice cream maker, and we love ours. So easy and fast.
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