Here it is almost 8 pm on Saturday night and I'm just now getting around to thinking about Sunday Dinner. Not that I've been terribly busy, although I have done some laundry and cooked supper. No, I've just not been too motivated about doing anything too elaborate for Sunday Dinner.
So, here's the menu, always subject to change at any time.
Hamburger Helper, green beans cooked with potatoes, and canned corn. Or another canned vegetable. That's it. Assuming I don't change my mind, that is. And I wouldn't object too strenuously if someone suggests going out to eat instead of me cooking...
I think most everyone knows the routine by now. Share in the comments what you're doing for your Sunday Dinner. If you're cooking, what's on the menu? If you're going out to eat, where and what do you plan to order? Going to Mom's or Grandma's for dinner? What's on the menu there?
As usual, I have no idea how many may be here for dinner and that does influence the menu. I hate to cook for an army and only have 2 or 3 people here, or cook for 2 or 3 and have to scramble to find something else to cook to stretch the meal.
I wish everyone a great day, filled with love and good food, friends and family, and enough of all of them to share.
Have a blessed Sunday, y'all.
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Sunday Dinner, January 7, 2007
7:33 PM
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I will be doing a lot of work around here that i've been putting off,I'm still working on my room and the laundry is sprouting like mushrooms..
Its funny how many clothes 4 people go though.
Love you and talk to you later sister
I have no idea what I'm going to do for dinner. I guess I'll figure it out at the grocery store tomorrow afternoon.
Have a good night, Diane!
Well, we still have some party potato skins left but I'll probably eat those for breakfast.
My plan is to make Kathleen's manicotti. (Stranded In The Mountains)
Rob can't eat much tomorrow night with surgery looming on Monday, but I'm thinking I'll feed him something substantial tomorrow and maybe it will carry him through until he feels like eating again.
Really, I think we'll have the manicotti for dinner and prayer for dessert!
We're having beef stew, salad and I'm going to make bread in the breadmaker.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
I forgot to tell you,I found some butterpeas..I cooked a pot the other day,they were as good as i remembered.YUM...If you would like to have some let me know.We are going to have them and bbqed ribs and mashed potatoes for supper.
Love you sister
Happy Sunday Sweet heart! Thank you so very much dear friend for your loving words of comfort and the beautiful card. It meant so much to me and my Dh and girls....I told Dh this is from my bloggin "neighbor" Diane from Arkansas and she is the BEST of the best! Ya know hon...I was worried sick bout my DH makin it home in time for his daddy's funeral...He rented a car in Little Rock Fri. evening and drove the entire night 11 hours to get here to central was foggy and rain freezin at times and I remembered back 20 years ago when we drove through those Arkansas mountains to Little Rock in the night and how winding the curves were...and I knew that man was bone tired from work in Atlanta and was grieving for his Daddy...I put him in the LOrd's hands and his daddy's care too then sunup I heard the car drive up...halleluaH! God is Good! I sure appreciate all your prayers for supper tonight we are all cravin' home comfort food. Gonna whip up some homemade chicken dumplin soup like my Momma made and some rice pudding for for the soul. Have a beautiful Sunday my friend! Love, KR
Who are you mad at??
that is the question my son asks me every time I make Hamburger! Because one of the gals he works with said that is what she serves when she is mad at her family!!!
I'm having a pot of chili...just put it on as a matter of fact...we finally have a cold 37 degree rainy day and I'm in the mood for a chili dog!!
Have a great Sunday!!
Love YOU!!!
Dear Diane...wish you could come here for dinner, I just made a big pot of homemade beef stew:-) Served with a loaf of fresh bread!! I have a lot of baking frozen in the freezer but I forgot to take anything out so no dessert...unless you wait until it's thawed out!! hehe Much love dear friend! xoxo
I think your deserve a sunday dinner out Diane. You always cook such wonderful meals. I'm fixing pork chops, baked potatoes, yellow squash and salad. We always eat out saturday night after church, so I don't mind cooking on sunday (most of the time any way :) ).
Today I made the pork kind of stewey thing that Code Yellow Mama sent Kristen - delicious! I made those frozen Rhodes rolls (well, thawed and baked, and they were really the store brand1), raspberry jello with raspberries in it (I'm the only one who ate that for some reason), and chocolate pie. Pretty good.
I never know for sure, either, if everyone's coming over or not. Today K&A did not come, but Anakin wasn't with him mother, so we got to have him here.
Have a great week!
Hi Diane, hope it was a great weekend.
Also hope that 2007 is treating you well so far.
Love the decorations from Greeneyes ... she sure is a sweetie!!
Take care, and have a great week ... Meow
Belated, but anyway; Come and see our sea food dinner!
Hope you had a great weekend and wish you a lovely week ahead:-)
Hey Diane,
I'm sure you had a crowd, so I'm curious to find out what you did to stretch your dinner! Yum, I know it was delish.
I am not good at planning meals. Because I just cook for myself I tend to be very lazy about it. However for my sunday meal I made a beef broccoli stirfry and it was really yummy. I even have lots left over so will be eating on it for a few days.
I must say that one of these days I am going to try a fried boloney sandwich. Can you let me know just how you do it and what if any condiments are used and what kind of bread, etc?
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