Tuesday, May 8, 2007

IT'S A GIRL ! ! !

It's my pleasure to introduce to you,
Miss Emmy Alexis McKellar!Emmy was born by Caesarian section
at 8:03 am, Tuesday, May 8, 2007,
weighing 5 lbs. 14 ounces.
She is 19 ½inches long with lots
of dark hair and a gorgeous
golden pink complexion.

Here is her first picture, with her

beaming Daddy.
I watched him fall in love with
her right before my eyes.My fellow Grandma, Jason's Mom.
I took this picture with my right
hand while I held her on my left arm,
so it's a little out of focus.
All my sisters were there, but these
three rode together and were there at
the same time.
That's Cecil, Ducky,
proud Mama Jessica, and Sue.
Here's Grandpa Lamar, and my
sister Donna holding Emmy.
Remember Mikki, Seth's Mom?
She came over on her lunch hour
to meet Miss Emmy.
By the way, Master Seth is doing
great and weighs 12 lbs. now.
Poor Jessica, she was in labor all night
and they ended up doing a C-section
anyway. She was/is exhausted,
bless her little heart, but proud
of that little bundle of joy.
I told her Emmy is our
Mother's Day gift this year.

Jason was/is tired, too, and dozed
a bit with his brand new daughter
in his arms. I love the contrast
between big strong Daddy's arms
and dainty pink Emmy.
It's official. Grandpa Lamar is wrapped
firmly around little Miss Emmy's
tiny little finger.
Unlimited Coke, Doritos and
Snickers ARE part of a balanced
breakfast, according to Grandpa.
Me and my Emmy.
Definitely worth waiting for.
I think my heart grew by several measures
to welcome and envelop our new
baby girl with infinite love and care.
Jessica and Emmy are both doing well,
although Emmy is a little slow to catch
onto nursing, both from the breast and
the bottle of formula we offered her.
I'm sure that will take care of
itself soon, though.

Jessica labored all night but at the last
moment, Emmy turned and was presenting
breech, so a C-section was the only
option left. Jessica has already been
up to sit in a chair and move around
a bit, so hopefully on Wednesday she'll
be able to have her catheter and IV removed,
and most importantly,

Her doctor would only let her have clear
liquids all day Tuesday, but he promised
her if she does well she can have a full
breakfast Wednesday morning.
Jessica threatened to bribe someone
to bring her a Big Mac meal, but
she agreed to wait, knowing the
doctor knows best.

She has, however, already plowed
through a half dozen popsicles
and several Italian ices, not to mention
a gallon or so of the hospital's high
quality crushed ice.

What a blessed relief that Jessica and
Emmy are both healthy!

Thank you, GOD, for answered prayer!

And thanks to each and every one of you
who answered my call to prayer on
behalf of Jessica and Emmy.

{ ( ( (*SMOOCH*) ) ) }

That's a HUG and a SMOOCH for each of you!!!
I wish I could offer my thanks and a hug
and kiss in person, but for now, this
is the best I can do.

Of course I'll be going back to the hospital
tomorrow (Wednesday) to be with Jessica
and Emmy.
Poor Jason has to go to school and then to
work, so I'll stay as long as I can so Jessica
can rest if she's able.
According to how she's recovering, Jessica
may get to go home Wednesday evening,
but right now it's looking like it will
be Thursday.

I'll be going home with Jessica, Jason
and Emmy for several days to help out
after they're released from the hospital,
whenever that comes to pass.
I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to post
again, and it's possible I won't be posting
again until I return from Jessica and Jason's.

Just in case I'm not back before then,
I want to wish all my blogging Mom's a
very happy and blessed Mother's Day.

I don't think anyone will be able to top
my Mother's Day gift this year.
A healthy, beautiful new granddaughter.
A gift from God.
I am blessed above and beyond
that which I deserve.


zztop357 said...

Way to Go. Now can we call you granny?LOL. I know how you feel about that.
Now you know what its like to fall in love at first sight. I might git over there this weekend,I haven't checked Jon's calendar.
If not,I'll tell you.Emmy is a pretty little thang.
Love you Sister

Anonymous said...

shes beautiful
getting up and moving around is the best thing Jessica can do but support her it will HURT
I went through a labour with my first baby and then had to have a csection
it makes it harder but shell get there
I was jumping up and down in my chair when this post came through
so happy for you all

Greeneyes said...

Greeneyes said...
Thank God ,Congrats to all , what a glorious day , she(Emmy) is so beautiful and you can feel the love from the pics what a blessing !
I am doing a happy dance for you all and thanks for the pics ,they are wonderful ,she looks so good and pink and teeny ,I just want to hug her and cuddle her , give her a snugle for me once everyone gets their turn please.
Oh , a new life just begining , and she has her grandpa all wrapped and in writting for the Doritos coke and snickers LOL Bet she will hold him to it !

And Get better soon wishes for jessica , hope she feels great soon
And Grandma Diane
The pic of you Holding Emmy is Beautiful and if you dont mind I am going to copy it and print it , you both are so beautiful , I love it .
Thank you for sharing , cant wait for more .
God Bless
love you Diane
and Congrats Gandma ♥


Susie said...

Dear Diane,
I can barely type through my happy tears. I just knew everything was going to be fine!!
I know your heart is overflowing with joy. What a precious precious miracle. Emmy is beautiful beyond words..
Get some rest and enjoy all those fresh new moments in the days ahead!
lots of love and ((hugs))

Flora said...

You don't know me ... yet ... but I've been lurking a bit, after seeing your comments at Pea's, Early Bird's, Susie's, etc. I came over here to say hi and I'd like to get to know you properly, and look what kind of post I found!! :)

Huge congratulations to the new parents and, of course, to the ever so proud grandparents. What an amazing Mother's Day gift for both you and Jessica. Nothing could ever top this! :)

Emmy is absolutely beautiful, and I'm looking forward to watching her grow up through your blog. What a treat it's going to be for you to take care of her and her tired parents for a few days. :)

Take care and consider yourself invited for a visit over at my blog. But not until your life gets back to normal, of course, Grandma!

Again, congratulations to all of you!

Myrna said...

Congratulations! You have just entered the most precious time. You are going to love it! There is nothing like a grandchild.

She's a beauty! You better get some good rest before you head over to Jessica's to be Granny!

Lyndy said...

Oh my what a wonderful Mother's Day gift for you both. I am thrilled that Emmy is here and she is just beautiful.

Diane I know you will be a wonderful grandma. I had such a special relationship with mine and I can see that it will be the same for you.

Lots of hugs and love coming your way.


Granny said...

I dropped in on Cecil earlier so I knew some of this.

Once again, congratulations to all. She's beautiful.

Judith said...

Well congratulations Grand Ma, and Mama and Dad. Praise the Lord everybody made it through O.K.

I look forward to many pictures as this little girl grows.

Og Mandino was right, life is the greatist miracle in the world.

Anonymous said...

Dear Diane,
I am so happy for you!! Congratulations on your beautiful grandbaby. Jessica looks like she had the best support group ever...

Looking forward to many, many more pictures.


Diane Viere said...



Enjoy your precious gift!

Praising God for this miracle....and that Jessica is doing so well.

Happy BIRTHDAY Emmy!


Jeana said...

Oh my. Now normally I laugh at people who say a newborn looks like this person or that person, because usually they don't look like anyone when they're that fresh.


That baby looks like her mama.

(She's gorgeous!)

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Whoohoo, Diane, what a beautiful bouncing baby girl. Congratulations to all of you, you all look so very proud and happy.
Huge hugs to all of you ...
Hope Jessica is up and about soon, and the pain isn't too much for her. I always say giving birth is a useful pain, rather than a useless pain, as you get something out of it (if you know what I mean!!).
Beautiful, beautiful photos.
Congratulations again.
Take care, hugs, Meow xx

Anonymous said...

I've got "so happy for you" tears!
*flopping hands toward eyes to dry them*

Emmy is so perfect and beautiful !

Love the pics, especially the one of Daddy napping with her. That one's so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Great looking young lady. Mom and Dad should both be proud (and Grandma and Grandpa too). We are all happy for everyone and hope that Jessica can get out of the hospital soon and be well.
Great-Uncle Johnny, Great-Aunt Donna and Third Cousin Jon(I think!)

Barb said...

Happy Mother's Day to Jessica. And to you, my friend, you know how happy I am for you. Isn't it the most amazing feeling, how instant the love is?

I'm sorry it ended in surgery but I suspected it might when they decided to induce a month early. This is exactly what happened with Krissy when Cameron was born. It's such a blessing that you are able to go home with Jessica and help her the first week or so.

Emmy is absolutely precious. And the photo of her sleeping daddy with his big old arms wrapped around her just melts my heart.

I'm sure our blogging friends think I post a lot of pictures of Cameron. When they get their first grandchild someday, they'll understand, won't they? It's hard to explain in words how it feels.

The circle of life and love goes on forever and ever. Oh, enjoy that baby. I'm so, so very happy for you. xoxoxo

Addie said...

Congratulations to all of you! She's just beautiful!!!

Dawn said...

Woo-Hoo! I knew she'd be here before Mother's Day - and she does look just like you and Jessica!

I'm so glad that she is safely here and now you can join this exclusive club of grandma-hood!

Big Mama said...

She is just beautiful, Diane. I'm so glad everything went well and that she's here!

Congratulations, Grandma!

someone else said...

Oh, Diane, she's precious! As I was scrolling down through the pictures, I just kept saying Oh, Oh, Oh at each one. I'm glad no one could hear me. What a beautiful gift for Mother's Day!!

Carole Burant said...

I'm bawling here!!! Oh Diane, I am SO very happy for all of you!! She looks perfect!! You tell Jessica that she did good...REALLY good:-) Emmy is absolutely gorgeous and I know that not only does she have her whole family wrapped around her little finger, she has all your blogging friends the same way! hehe I can tell already how much you love being a grandma:-) Congratulations to all of you!!!! xoxox

Michelle said...

I am new to your blog, I found it today and I will admit I am teary eyed too. Congratulations!!! She is beautiful and her daddy looks so proud of her!

Take care of your daughter and enjoy your granddaughter... My dad told me when I had my first son that "if I could do it all over again I would definatley have my grandkids first." They spoil him rotten! lol So I understand what your hubby is saying!

Dick said...

Congratulations to Mom & Dad and all the Grandparents. She looks good, and most importantly, it sounds like she is a healthy little one.

Anonymous said...

hey this is the dad 2 that little thing thank u all

Rachel said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so happy that you now have little Emmy here. She is soooo cute!! Poor Jessica does look tired, but she certainly does have a bundle of pure joy now! So nice of you to go and help them out. I know they'll definitely appreciate that.

Congratulations again Grandma!! It is a nice Mother's Day gift!!

Tammy said...

Wow...this is just awesome news...I was tired and had thought I would wait to come by tomorrow but boy I'm glad I changed my mind!
She looks just like her Momma!!
Congratulations to all!!

Sister said...

Congratulations to all of you! Emmy is just beautiful. I'm so happy for y'all.

momteacherfriend said...

Beautiful! She looks so completely perfect.

kansasrose said...

Congrats and God Bless and Welcome to Emmy! I just yellped when I saw that baby in your arms grammie D!!!!! YOU are just glowing with love! GOD IS GOOD! Emmy is gorgeous, Jessica... JOB WELL DONE HON! I can feel the love of this family for this new beautiful baby. All the best to little Emmy and her parents, grandparents and family.

Girl Raised in the South said...

I'm a bit late to get here and tell you congratulations. When our first grandchild was born, a neighbor stopped by with a gift, to welcome me to 'the grandmother club'. So welcome! She's precious! Glad to hear mommy is doing well too.

Jada said...

Congratulations! She's beautiful!

Thanks for sharing the pictures!
