Hardly seems possible to be discussing food again after that huge Thanksgiving meal on Thursday (and Friday and Saturday if you're still eating leftovers!) but it's time again for my Sunday Dinner post.
As for me and my house, we're having homemade vegetable beef soup and cornbread for our noon meal.
How about you? What are your plans for Sunday Dinner? If you're cooking, what's on the menu? Going out to eat? Where are you going, and what do you plan to order? Or are you STILL trying to finish off the Thanksgiving leftovers? Just share your plans in the comments if you want to participate.
That's it for this edition of Diane's Sunday Dinner. I wish all of you a peaceful, restful Sunday with family and good friends and good food.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Sunday Dinner, November 26, 2006
9:07 PM
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I don't know what's up with bloglines but it's not telling me anyone has updated! I know you always do Sunday dinner, so I had to see what's cookin'!
Vegetable soup sounds good, we're having sixteen bean soup and cornbread with salad. No leftovers this year!!
Vegetable soup sounds good. As for me, I still never want to eat again...especially not turkey.
Hello Diane. I'm not decided on tomorrows dinner, but I'v had several very busy days and am thinking maybe something simple like turkey & Noodles. I made a delicious seafood chowder today with large shrimp, scallops and clams, served with parmesan, garlic toast. YUM
you know I always love to read your Sunday Dinner post! Yours sounds great - we haven't decided yet.
Hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend:-9
It is a perfect soup day here - not cold but sort of cloudy and gray. I'm not even going to bother telling you mine - it's just the same old same old!
I really just wanted to say hey and wish you a blessed and peaceful sunday!
Homemade chicken soup with anti de peppi pasta. My mom's favorite recipe that has been tweaked over the years.
It's now Sunday evening and we just barbecued some hamburgers...it was so nice and mild here today, all our snow is now gone! Your soup certainly sounds delicious...love any kind of homemade soup:-) Hugs xoxo
Hard to imagine, isn't it, that after stuffing ourselves on Thanksgiving Day.....we are still thinking about food!
Our Sunday dinner was "take-out" from Panera Bread. After returning from our lake place up north and hustling to get my husbands bags packed for his Florida bound flight yesterday afternoon......we opted for take-out. Always a good choice! No leftovers here as we had Thanksgiving at my Sister-in-laws house. That is the only bad thing about not hosting T-Day! So enjoy the lingering leftovers from a 45 person get-to-gether!
Happy! Happy!
*Wondering how insane it would be to ask Diane to send me some of her leftovers*
Maybe I'm just sick of looking at the spiderwebs in my fridge, but I think I'm about ready to "eat the crumbs that fall from your table" (Matthew 15:27). Not the same context, but you get the point...
Mmmm, soups sounds so yummy. That's one thing that annoys me about this time of year, here in Australia ... it is too warm to eat soup !! We had a cool day a week or so ago, so I made a huge pot of potato, carrot, bacon and leek soup ... mmmmmm.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Sorry I haven't been by much.
Have a great week.
Take care, Meow
i gotta stop reading your sunday posts, they always make me hungry
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