Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sunday Dinner, November 9, 2008 & A Cute Review

It's Sunday Dinner time again? Already?!? It doesn't seem possible, but that's what the calendar says, so I guess it must be true.

I have my menu decided, but I haven't started my preparations yet. As soon as I get this post published I'll have to get started on that.

So, my Sunday Dinner this week will consist of pinto beans, Italian flat green beans cooked with quartered potatoes, roasted country style pork ribs and a cast iron skillet (or 2, according to how many show up!) of MY HOMEMADE BUTTERMILK CORNBREAD.

I'll cook my beans tonight then refrigerate them overnight and reheat them while the cornbread is baking. I'll roast the ribs tonight until they're almost tender, then refrigerate them overnight as well. They can reheat in the oven alongside the cornbread as it bakes.

I think I've made my dislike for cold or reheated potatoes more than plain, so you probably already know that I'll peel my potatoes and cook them with the green beans while everything else is baking and reheating.

At the moment I know that JESSICA, Jason, Emmy and my sister Ducky will be here for the noon meal with me and Lamar. If anybody else shows up it will be a surprise. CECIL is gone on an overnight trip to Memphis with a girlfriend so she won't be with us for Sunday Dinner this week.

Now what are your intentions for Sunday Dinner this week? Share your plans/menu in the comments if you'd like to participate this week.

A couple of weeks ago I received an email regarding a web site that features infant and toddler soft leather shoes. You may have noticed the button in my sidebar for BUGALOO SOFT SOLE LEATHER BABY SHOES for boys and girls. Click on the banner above, the link in this paragraph or the button in my sidebar if you'd like to check out the wonderful site.

Heidi is the owner of Bugaloo and she asked if I'd be interested in posting the button on my site with option of it being a paid ad and also perhaps receiving some sample shoes to review. Any income I receive has to be reported to the government since I receive disability, so I had to refuse that offer, but I made arrangements with Heidi to place the button on my site anyway with no money to change hands.

After seeing her product I was glad to place the button for her shop on my blog even though I don't receive any revenue from it.

I also accepted her offer to review a pair of her adorable soft leather baby shoes, with my 18 month old granddaughter Emmy in mind, of course. I chose these adorable kitty cat shoes for Emmy and she loved them and so does everyone who's seen them.

We put these shoes on Emmy on Halloween night and she wore them all evening. She was dressed as a kitty cat and the shoes went perfectly with her outfit, and when Jessica dressed Emmy in a pink fuzzy sleeper type thing, we put the shoes on over the footed sleeper with no problem.

The elasticized top on the shoes stayed put even throughout the hayride we went on, and after we got back from the hayride I was little anxious that Emmy might have lost one of more of her shoes in the hay, but my fears were unfounded. Both shoes were intact.

I suggested to Heidi that she might consider making some larger sizes in these wonderful baby shoes, and she shared with me that she's currently researching the possibilities of making some shoes for bigger children.

At the present time the shoe sizes range from newborn to 18 months, but if Heidi does introduce bigger sizes I'll certainly want some of the next size for Emmy. As a matter of fact, I wish she'd make adult sizes, because I'd love to have some of these shoes for myself! They must be so comfortable because they're made entirely from soft leather, including the soles. It's got to be the next best thing to being barefoot, and I'd rather be barefoot anytime than wear shoes.

Besides the kitty cat shoes I chose, there are also Mary Jane shoes, froggy shoes, lions, doggies, sneakers, birds, and many other exciting designs for girls and boys. And at $15 a pair these are very affordable, especially for all leather baby shoes. Have you priced leather baby shoes lately at a mall or retail outlet?

I highly recommend these cute, well made shoes. Can you tell I really like these adorable shoes?

Thanks for allowing me to review your product, Heidi, and for the adorable free kitty cat shoes for Emmy. We are delighted with them.

My daughter JESSICA and her hubby Jason are having some REALLY HARD TIMES right now. If you could find it in your heart to pray for them or hold them close in your thoughts, we'd really appreciate it. You can read about their situation by clicking on any of the links in this paragraph or by clicking HERE.

Thank you all so much.

It's nearly 9 pm my time and I still have to cook beans and ribs tonight, so I'd better get after it. Y'all have a great evening and a blessed Sunday.

May God meet all your needs, and may you have enough to share.


Dawn said...

I have been trying to figure out where to find those little shoes and how to afford them. Sounds like you've led me to the right place! The twinnies need something besides socks, and nobody makes anything small enough for them! I'll check it out for sure.

I read Jessica's post and cannot believe the tough times they're going through. The pits!!

We're having barbecued ribs tomorrow (in the oven), baked potatoes, corns, ice cream and cookies. Nothing fancy at all.

Dawn said...

I ordered two pairs of those little shoes - she only had one pair of Mary Janes, which is what I wanted, but I got giraffes for the other one.

Dana~Are We There Yet? said...

Of course, I'm praying for Jessica and her family (and for her mama too!).

I found the button on your blog recently and clicked over to the site. I think Jesse needs a pair of these! I'll be ordering some as soon as I get a few extra $$.

We have Fellowship Dinner at church every Sunday, and everyone contributes. Tomorrow we're bringing cupcakes and green bean casserole.

MightyMom said...

So, do they come in 6 Extra Wide for a 20 month old?


didn't think so.

Nashe^ said...

Lovin those ickle shoesies!! More pictures of Emmy soon, okay?

Love ya!

violetlady said...

I read Jessica's post and I am dismayed about the job. My thoughts and prayers are with them.
I am making homemade macaroni and cheese (with extra sharp cheddar) and a slice of ham for dinner. I will add a green veggie, too. Not my choice really, but it is what dear husband wants. I

Hootin Anni said...

Good happy Sunday to you Diane!!
I got a 'kick out of your post'...for this reason: you say --"I'd love to have some of these shoes for myself! They must be so comfortable because they're made entirely from soft leather, including the soles. It's got to be the next best thing to being barefoot, and I'd rather be barefoot anytime than wear shoes."

So, that brings me to what I have to comment: My husband's grandmother thought I was a 'hick' from the backwoods 'cause I would ALWAYS be barefooted, she thought that was 'unlady like'....she even whispered to Bud that if Anni could get by with it, she'd probably be barefooted on her wedding day. Well, I tellya right here, right now...I'm barefoooted as I type this and she's right....I would have been barefooted under my wedding dress if I thought I could've!!! I love shoes, but I hate to wear them. Go figure.

These shoes sound like what I've always liked, leather moccasins ---I had a pair from Crow Indian Agency a long long time ago, and the leather was so soft....most comfortable. I finally wore them out on the soles. But what a soft. And warm too.

Ya, I agree, she should make adult ones too.

As for dinner [our night meal] we're going to have southern fried chicken with mashed potatoes and cream gravy along with green bean salad. Probably biscuits too.

Hope you have a super day today.

Hootin Anni said...

...did I write a novel or what?

kkryno said...

I think a pair of those shoes would be the perfect thing for my little Judith! Thanks for the tip.

I will send good thoughts your way and prayers for Jessica and Jason.
They're such sweet kids to have difficulty they don't deserve. I guess that's wht life can be but I just wish the best for them and Miss Emmy; as well as all your loved ones.

We're having grilled chicken thighs with rice and salad tonite.

Sending a hug your way. Here it comes...}}}})))HUG((({{{{


Unknown said...

Yes, Prayers are already being sent to them Diane. I really ache for this situation. But I have Faith it can be transformed by "networking" from caring friends. Email me and I'll tell you a good site that might help best! lol!!!:D And if that was you who sent me the Hallmark Greeting e-mail, my Vista cannot open those. But (((HUGS))) anyway! :D)

kansasrose said...

Prayers going up for you for your DD and SIL hon...I'm so sorry for the difficulties your DD and SIL have had this year...this must be so hard on your momma's heart dear friend. When our kids hurt..we hurt.

Just seems like so many folks are having a rough time. My heart goes out especially to the young people. My DD got laid off her job a month ago because the place she worked went out of business. I'm praying that this bad economy turns around soon, but I fear it will be turbulant for so many ordinary families trying to just get by...

Your dinner sounds scrumptous. The little shoes are adorable. I'd love a pair in my size! :)They look comfortable. Take care hon..have a blessed week. Loveya, Jen

Brenda said...

Those are cute and comfy looking shoes.
We did egg/fried potato burritos for dinner. With a piece of homemade pumpkin pie for dessert.
Praying for Jess.
Have a great week.
Brenda :)

Linda said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Jason's job. I will certainly be praying for them. It's so hard when our kids are struggling - and that really sounds so unfair.
I pray he'll find an even better job and that they won't be discouraged.
The little shoes are adorable Diane.
Have a blessed sunday.

Cecil said...

Am home.. missed everyone but had a great time today... see ya tomorrow. Love, Cecil

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

Hi Diane...we had leftover spaghetti soup for dinner! I posted the recipe, and it is delicious!

I'm with you on reheated potatoes. I just can't do it either.

Those shoes are adorable! I bet they're very cute on Emmy.

Jess said...

Thanks for a great lunch and a good day as well. Also... thanks for sending love and prayes our way.. to you and all your readers..Jason and I really appreciate it all.

Love you,

Rachel said...

Your pinto beans sounds great Diane, with all the other goodies too. I must have onions with my pinto beans and cornbread! Yum!

I ended up have chicken tenders and potatoes for dinner today. It was good. Then I had one of those Cadbury Creme Eggs. It was yummy too!!!

Those shoes are too cute!! I'm with you on the barefoot thing!!

Hugs to you!!!

Betty said...

Your Sunday dinner sounded good, Diane, especially the pinto beans. I love those with onion and buttermilk cornbread crumbled up in them. Good eating.

Darling baby shoes. They do look like they would be so soft and comfortable.

I know Jessica and her husband are having a hard time. I read her blog yesterday only to learn that her husband lost his job. Life is so unfair at times.

Have a good week, Diane.

Anonymous said...

Those shoes are adorable! :o)

Pinto beans? Ribs? Got any left overs? Oink!

Praying here for your sweetie girl and her family.

Lib said...

Hi Diane,
Dinner sounds so good.You know me and cornbread.Lol
Love the shoes, so cute!
Praying for Jess and Jason! I know the pain!
Have a great wk.

Unknown said...

Hey Sweety,
I sure do have some reading to do to catch up on what has been going on in your world. I am so sorry to hear about Jason's job. Know that I am keeping those three children in my heart and in my parayers.

Those shoes look like they would be wonderful. It is a shame they don't come in adult sizes.

Love, hugs and prayers to you.

the voice of melody said...

Your dinner sounds good Diane, I hope you and your family enjoyed your home cookin' last night!

Praying for your daughter's family in this difficult time.

Hugs :)

Barb said...

First, not that it matters now, but in keeping with the purpose of your Sunday Dinner post, we had homemade chili for Sunday dinner.

Second, those little shoes are adorable.

And third, I just read Jessica's post and am stunned. I'm so, so sorry this happened. Those two kids just can't catch a break. I'm praying for them.

How I hate that this has happened again.

I'm sure you're upset too, Diane. Sending you a big hug.


Mountain Mama said...

I have prayed for Jason to fine work again.

My sunday dinner was cooked on the grill. Small lean steak, mushrooms, potato and carrots. YUM!!
I even had some left over gravy to heat up for my potatoes.

The shoes are cute. I can just see your little Sweetie parading around in them.

God bless you and yours Diane.
Hugs & prayers

Mary said...


You Sunday dinner sounds delicious, as always. I'm glad Jessica, Jason and Emmy could be there. I know how stressed out they are right now.

Sunday dinner here were subs. lol Tonight we are having Sunday dinner. Roast chicken breasts with stuffing, veggies, mashed potatoes and gravy. Mmm!

I read Jessica's post and have been keeping them in my prayers. They must keep the Faith. God has a plan.

Love the baby shoes. If your friend makes bigger sizes, please be sure to post about it. I would love a pair of these for Griffyn.

Sam said...

Someone gave me a pair of those shoes at my baby shower. I love them! They're so adorable.

I feel just terrible about Jason's job. I'm certainly keeping them in my prayers.

I hope you're doing well, Diane! Have a wonderful week.


Carole Burant said...

Oooooh now that I'm a grandma I can also say that I'll have to look into a pair of those shoes for Lily!! hehe They do sound fabulous and if Emmy loves them, then I'm sure all little kids will love them:-)

Your Sunday dinners always sound so good, I wish I lived nearer so that I could go have some of that delicious sounding food!!

I read Jess' post and my heart just sank for them...makes you wonder where it will all end! My prayers are with them. xoxo

auntpearl said...

Oh my goodness those shoes are just darling. I just might check those out for my great nephew on the way.

Dinner sounds wonderful as usual.
Bet the flavorful smell drives your neighbors

Take good care of yourself.

Flora said...

Phooey, there aren't any babies left in my circle, so I don't have an excuse for ordering a pair of those adorable shoes. How Alex would have loved those when she was tiny as she hated having her feet enclosed in regular shoes of any kind. Can't say that I blame her as I only wear shoes when I absolutely must. ;)

I can't remember what Sunday dinner was, so I'll just move on to Jessica and Jason. You know, it was tough enough when I started out, so I can't imagine what it's like these days. It's always darkest before the dawn and things will work out for those two, but it's so hard when in the midst of the struggle. At the end of the day they'll be far better people for it, though. The best people I know have experienced at least a bit of hardship in their lives. J & J have a wonderful support network there, and loads of people rooting for them out here in the blogosphere, so they just have to be okay!

Dawn said...

Hi, Diane - I came over to tell you that Emma is the messy eater! I added a couple more paragraphs since you read, telling a bit more about the twins' progress that I should have done when I first posted.

Have a great rest of the week! It is good to hear Jessica feeling better. Poor kids!!

Anonymous said...

Hope your dinner was fine, that your week has been lovely and that you will have a great end to your week!

Love and Hugs.
Renny :-)

Minx's Den said...

Hey diane!

wanted to say hi to you! saw a pic of your grand baby girl on your blog, she is so off-the-charts adorable!


Muhd Imran said...

Sunday dinners are wonderful activity in your household. They are blessed to have you cook them scrumptious meals with that extra touch of love. Awesome.

Have a good weekend!

Susie said...

Hi Diane,
Just wanted to stop in for a quick hello. Life has been so crazy busy, that it leaves little or no time for blogging. Love those little shoes, but sadly, no little feet around here to wear them :(
I know your Sunday dinner was wonderful, and here it is time for another one. I feel like that's the story of my life (running to stay caught up!)

Gigi said...

Diane, those shoes are the cutest things!! Just adorable!

I am keeping Jess, Jason and Emmy close in prayer...waiting for God to do something totally AMAZING in their lives (and we know He WILL!!)...

How are you feeling, my friend? Praying health over you...

Nancy said...

Those little shoes are adorable!!! I wouldn't mind having a pair for myself! I am a barefoot gal at home...hate shoes, really. But those soft ones would be great, wouldn't they? I have no little ones to buy them for, sadly.

I do believe I am all caught up with your posts now. I hate to miss anything, you know! LOL Just wish I had the time to blog every day! That would be reading blogs, not posting, as I could never come up with anything to write about every day....

(((((( HUGS ))))))