Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wednesday Wool Gathering

I know I've been absent on the blogging scene as far as posting this week, but I have been trying to read and comment as I had time.

Miss Emmy was here both Monday and Tuesday, and Monday she just didn't feel herself. She wasn't really sick or just terribly fussy, but any Mama, Grandma or other regular babysitter knows when her
baby just isn't quite up to snuff as we like to say here in the South.

Emmy felt much better on Tuesday and Sue, Cecil, Lamar and I had a good time with her. Lamar even took Emmy for her first stroller ride around the block and Sue walked with them. Other than the sun being a little too bright for her at times, Emmy loved the ride and being outdoors. And yes, I did have the canopy pulled all the way forward so she was s
haded from the sun.Our weather has been much more Fall-like for the last week or so. We've gotten a lot of rain and it's been much cooler, both day and night. Today's high was 84F with beautiful sunny blue skies and only a few wispy puffy clouds, and the low is supposed to dip into the 50's. Slowly but surely, Fall is pushing Summer aside in favor of crisp cool nights and mild magical days.I didn't have Emmy today. Jessica had taken the day off from work because Emmy had an appointment to get her next scheduled immunizations today, but the clinic called and canceled and rescheduled her appointment. Besides the fact that Jessica just wanted a day off from work, by the time she takes Emmy to the doctor and waits with her to see the doctor and get the shots, a morning or afternoon is shot anyway.

And this time
her appointment was at 11 am, so that pretty much takes care of a whole day. By the time she got out of the doctor's office and brought Emmy to me it would probably be 2-3 pm, and she gets off work at 5 pm. Not even worth the gas and the time and effort, really.

Emmy's shots were rescheduled for Monday, so Jessica is going to take Emmy to work with her, take her for her shots and then back to work with her. If Emmy gets too fussy Jessica will just take her home for the day. She was a little puny after her first shots, so I'm hoping she won't react as badly this time, bless her little heart. I'm also hoping if she gets the rotavirus serum this time that she doesn't have a bad reaction to it. For "bad reaction" read screaming diarrhea. Yeah......wheeeeee!
In other news, even though Miss Emmy wasn't here today, my day has been plenty busy in other ways. My hubby, Lamar, had to have 2 impacted teeth cut out today. It was a lower wisdom tooth and the molar next to it, and they were in bad shape. The wisdom tooth was angled and forcing the molar into the next molar, which eventually broke off and somehow made Lamar severely bite his tongue. His tongue abscessed and was constantly being irritated by his chewing and the broken tooth. Not a fun time for him, and not a good time to be around him, bless him.

All that was compounded by the fact that due to his cerebral palsy Lamar is paralyzed on his left side and didn't know when the tooth broke off. He doesn't have much feeling on that side and it has to really hurt before he can even feel the pain. Anyway, with those 2 teeth out he should be feeling better in a few days, although he has to eat soft foods for several days.
My sweet friend ANGELA @ THE LIFE AND TIMES OF GRAN recently awarded me the "You Make Me Smile Award". As far as I know there aren't any rules with this one, it's just a fun thing and can be freely given however you choose to do it.

So, I hereby award the "You Make Me Smile Award" to all my readers and all the bloggers I visit. After all, I wouldn't read your blogs if you didn't make me smile, and I love every comment and commenter for taking the time to share a little love. Feel free to take the button and share the love with someone who makes you smile.

You all make me smile, and Thank You to all of you for that! :-)
Miss Emmy will be here bright and early in the morning, so I'm going to wrap this up and try to visit some of you before I have to get ready for bed.

Y'all have a terrific Thursday!


Myrna said...

Angela made a good choice! You make me smile, too.

Having a baby around certainly keeps everyone busy! That Miss Emmy has lots of people to love on her--a blessed baby,indeed! I certainly hope she does not have a "reaction" to the shot--for your sake as well as hers!:-)

Susie said...

Hi Diane,
Congratulations on your award. Your posts always put a smile on my face :)
So sorry to hear about Lamar's dental issues. That sounds so very painful. I know with your good cooking, he'll be feeling better in no time.

Granny said...


I'm sorry about Lamar's dental problems. I've read about people who can't feel any pain at all and it's a curse, not a blessing.

Hope he'll be over the worst of it soon.

Barb said...

Poor Lamar. Thank goodness he got that taken care of - amazing how fast he'll recover. From my own experience in the past with a broken tooth, I know the tongue pain is worse than the tooth.

Dealing with hand, foot and mouth disease here. Cameron picked it up at daycare we think, but the bottom line is he'll be with me until he's over it. His biggest problem is the sores in his little mouth, so we're dealing with some mouth pain here too.

Don't you love the change in the weather? It's getting cooler here too and the air feels crispy. My favorite time of year!

Enjoy the little daycare break. I know you appreciate that. :-)

Jess said...

Hi Mim, glad you got to have a break....and Monday too! I like having the day with Emmy every once in a while...ya know without Jason to aggrivate the crap out of her!!! So when can you add the button to my blog as my first award? And it wasn't just for me! :( but thats ok I know I bring you much more stress than j/k....Love you....Jessica

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to stop by and say hello. I am playing catch up also. Hope you are doing well.
Hope baby does well with her shots.


Kristen said...

Poor Lamar! That's no fun at all! Hope he's feeling better soon!

I hope Emmy does well with her shots. I always hate taking the little ones to get shots because they don't understand that they're getting poked for their own good; they just know it hurts!

Hope you have a great day!

Paulette said...

sweet post ms. Diane. I LOVE the smile award it is so sweet and you deserve it.I often find myself smiling when I come here so it is a fitting award for you! You know I would love to take this because it is so darned cute and all but with my puter literacy it would end up on someone elses blog in another country hehe.
I will say a prayer for emmy on Monday!
Blessings to you

Cheryl said...

I remember getting my wisdom teeth extracted...four...impacted. I KNOW your hubby will be feeling better after getting those out. Have a good day and enjoy the fall like weather!

someone else said...

You're certainly deserving of the "Smile" award. I always smile after reading your posts. This is a happy place.

Lyndy said...

Oh my sweet goodness...please tell Lamar I know how he feels and pray he feels better soon.

Praying Miss Emmy is feeling better too.

Hope you have a great rest of the week.

Love and Hugs, Lyndy

kansasrose said...

I hope Lamar gets to feeling better. Teeth problems can sure be a pain and I have a broken back molar I need to have fixed. Prayers for your hubby and little Emmy and her shots going up. Congrats to you dear on your award. You deserve this honor as reading your blog and comments are a joy and bring smiles always...Enjoy these blessed days & nights of fall. They are splendid, aren't they? Much love, Jen

Tammy said...

Miz Emmy might be teething...has she got her first tooth yet?

Anyhow...congrats on the do make me smile by blog or by email...the lizard story today...hilarious!!

Love and Hugs to YOU!

Anonymous said...

praying for Emmy

and Lamar

I have something for you on my blog :) and I didnt know youd gotten it already but you deserve it my friend

Carole Burant said...

Hello dear Diane:-)

I always feel so bad for babies when they have to get their immunization shots...I feel bad for ME when I get a shot! lol Oh dear, poor Lamar...I had my wisdom teeth removed years ago, one was impacted and I looked like a few boxers had taken their turn at me!!! I can imagine how worrisome it would be not being able to feel when you're biting your tongue and such. OUCH! Congrats on the the others have said, you truly deserve it because you always make us smile...heck never mind smile...rolling on floor laughing at times! hehe xoxo

Dawn said...

Nice that you had a day off, and that fall is coming! I love fall so much, and today was perfect.

I'm so far behind!

Greeneyes said...

Oh ,Lamar ,ouchie !!!hope it is all better now, feel better and your tongue!owwwwwwwweeeeeeee
I hope Emmy doesnt get puny again too , gesh so so teeny already!
and Diane , YOU make Me smile everytime I connect with you , your wonderful and a fitting button .
Sister friend

Miss G.

Dawn said...

Re your comment - I had a bit of a shouting spell myself, right out in the driveway!! Thanks so much for your prayer and care!

Flora said...

Congratulations on the award - very, very deserved!! :)

I hope that Lamar's mouth heals quickly. The teeth are better out than in, but the process sure wasn't a whole lot of fun. :(

I thought that your mention of fall-like weather was a tad on the cool and casual side, Diane. ;) If I lived where you do, I'd be hootin' and hollerin' with glee at the first sign of things cooling down!! It's definitely fall-like here - would you believe that the current temp is 29 F., with a very sharp and nasty north wind blowing? Methinks that my north-facing flower beds are going to look a little ill come sunrise. I can't be bothered with covering stuff up at this time of year, though.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about not posting that much as we all enjoy reading what you have the time too!

Angela did a really good choice!

Wishing you a lovely end to your week and anxious to hear about your Sunday dinner :-)