Barb, Bev and several others have done this ABC Meme already, and I have so many things going on I don't think I can manage much independent thinking of my own right now, so here goes:
A - Available or single: I'd say after 21 years I'm pretty married.
B - Best friend: My 4 sisters. Every one of them.
C - Cake or pie: Pie if it's the right kind. Or cake if it's the right kind. Just depends.
D - Drink of choice: Diet Coke, or really almost anything carbonated. But black coffee is a close second.
E - Essential item you use every day: My computer, of course.
F - Favorite color: I don't really have a favorite, I like variety. But not orange or yellow, for sure.
G - Gummy bears or worms: Neither are my first choice, although my soon-to-be son-in-law Jason loves them both. I love white chocolate, does that count?
H - Hometown: Trumann, Arkansas, home of the Wildcats.
I - Indulgence: Spring Green Vitabath bath gel, and Sarah Jessica Parker's Lovely perfume.
J - January or February: January, because it's in the middle of the cold months. I love cold weather.
K - Kids and names: Jessica Rose, and soon, Jason Lee. Then, whatever they name Peanut.
L - Life is incomplete without: Jesus and my church, and my family and friends.
M - Marriage date: October 25, 1985.
N - Number of siblings: Four sisters.
O - Oranges or apples: Yep. Okay, if I have to choose, apples, I guess.
P - Phobias or fears: Old wooden bridges. (See #43) I might fall through one of those cracks, you know.
Q - Favorite quote: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosever believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16
R - Reason to smile: Jessica and Jason are getting married Saturday, December 9th, and are presenting me with my first grandbaby in April or May.
S - Season: Winter.
T - Tag 3 or 4 people: I am so busy I'm chasing my tail so I'm not tagging anybody. If you want to do this one, go to it.
U - Unknown fact about me: Hmm.....I really don't think there's much I haven't already told on myself here on the blog over the last year.
V - Vegetable you don't like: Eggplant. And I can eat them, I just don't care for them. I've never thought to myself, "Boy, I sure wish I had a big platter of eggplant."
W - Worst habit: I sound sharp with people when I really don't mean to be.
X - X-rays: The usual ones for 43-year-old women.
Y - Your favorite food: Seafood. I love Red Lobster, but I've only been there 3 times in my life. The nearest one is in Memphis, about an hour and a half away from here.
Z - Zodiac sign: Depends. My birthday is October 23 which is right on the crack separating Libra and Scorpio. Some charts make me a Libra, some make me a Scorpio. I don't believe in the Zodiak, anyway. Seriously.Friday night is Jessica and Jason's wedding rehearsal, then the wedding is at 3 pm on Saturday. So, the next few days are packed for me. I have a lot to get done in the next week, too. We'll be having our Christmas with Lamar's parents next Thursday, so I have to get my Christmas candy and baking done before then. I've made candy and cookies, among other goodies, to give along with the other gifts, ever since Lamar and I got married 21 years ago. It's a tradition, and it's expected. I do love to cook and bake, but it can get a bit frantic around here as Christmas approaches. Jessica is supposed to come up one day next week to help me cook, and we'll probably just put on some Christmas music and make a day of it.
I usually make several different kinds of bon bons, including original cream cheese, coconut, pecan, peanut butter, and sometimes cherry. I also make chocolate fudge, white chocolate fudge, and occasionally caramel fudge. Then there's glazed pecans, my Mama's Cheesecake and Italian Cream Cake (scroll down) and candied pecans, and I think I'll make some homemade turtles this year, too. My homemade butter shortbread (scroll down) is on the list, and I'll have to make at least 4 batches of that. I may even make some doggie biscuits for my vet friend this year. I make those about every year for her two Cairn terriers, Hank and Katie Belle.
And I know I've probably forgotten several things. That's besides my Christmas dinner. Plus I have at least 2 more parties to cook for.
Did I mention I was going to be really busy for the next several weeks?
As I said, Jessica and Jason's wedding is Saturday, but I'll try to get my Sunday Dinner post up late Saturday night or early Sunday morning.
Merry Christmas, y'all!!
Thursday, December 7, 2006
An ABC Meme & Other Stuff
3:07 PM
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You sound like a very busy mother of the bride. A wedding during Christmas time is a big undertaking!
My prayers and best wishes to Jessica and Jason as they begin married life together.
And you'll post photos of the whole shebang, right? Enjoy every minute of it - the day flies by and it's gone before you know it. Happy for you all. xoxoxo
You know I've never ever eaten at a Red Lobster...
Gee, I didn't know the wedding was this month...wish them well for me would ya!!
Try not to do too much Diane!!
I'm so excited about this wedding I can't stand it, Diane. You surely will show us photos.
I loved reading your meme answers. I'm pretty sure orange was invented strictly for Halloween. What on earth else can you do with orange? Blech.
I love Sarah Jessica's new fragrance too - I think I need to put that on my wish list. Thanks for reminding me. And I about fell out of this chair laughing when I read that you can't hear yourself asking for a platter of eggplant. I actually love fried eggplant but that's OK. We can still be friends.
Girl, I could eat at Red Lobster every night of my life. OK, I'd save one night for the jalapeno garlic tilapia at Johnny Carino's but the other six I'd be stuffing myself with cheddar bay biscuits and coconut shrimp. Food from heaven. If you can afford it which I can't. So nevermind. LOL
Great MeMe!
Wow, the wedding date is nearly here. Tell them Congrats for me. What an exciting time.
I wear Lovely, too...and I have to tell you that I re-read the phrase "cream cheese" in relation to bon-bons about six times, because I don't think there could be anything more delicious ever. AND YOU MAKE THOSE?
Happy Wedding to Jessica and Jason...enjoy being the Mother of the Bride!
I didn't realize the wedding was this weekend! Y'all have a great time and give my best wishes to Jessica and Jason. I can't wait to see the pictures I know you'll post.
And yes, Lovely by SJP is one of the best smells in the world.
Enjoyed the meme! You are going to be a busy woman for sure!! Hope the wedding is wonderful!!
Red Lobster! I haven't been there in a looonngggg time, but I love Red Lobster!!
Dear Diane, Just thought i'd leave you a quick wish list since you put the candy store online.....TURTLES, TURTLES, TURTLES, CHOC FUDGE, SHORTBREAD, MORE TURTLES......You see, Brian loves turtles and I need a LOT of turtles so I will get some, too!!!! LOL Right now, it all sounds good!! Love y'all....Cecil
hearing about all those food, i feel the ultimate desire to trip over to your place just for christmas, eat my butt off, and head home.
Oh hon ya must be so busy! I will be praying for Your daughter and future son-in-law on their wedding day...and for many many happy years together and blessings of marriage and this little babe of theirs. I will also hold you and Lamar in my prayers. What a great life event! God bless you all Diane! ps loved this meme are a good person.
Soooo...been doing much lately??? lol Gosh, my friend, you sure have been busy and going to get busier!!! Loved the answers to the meme...eggplant is NOT one of my favourites either!! All the best to Jessica & Jason on their wedding day...what an exciting day Saturday will be for all of you:-) Make sure to take TONS of pictures!!! I wish I could be there to help you making all that candy, as you know I made my own too so I know how! Honest! lol Lots of hugs and love to you and your family xoxo
I think you're going to be rather busy for a little while :) Take lots of pictures of the wedding to share. I know you must be so happy. I pray all will be just perfect.
My husband and I eat at Red Lobster nearly every saturday after church. It is one of his favorites, and I like it too!!
Have a wonderful wedding day!!
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