Today's news is....there ain't nothin' new. Sorry to disappoint, but this is going to be another of those "going nowhere" posts. I don't have any pictures to share, and not much else.
As for the little guy there to the right, he just makes me smile.
I do have a few recipes to add to my recipe blog. Yellow Mama asked for a good, moist Pumpkin Bread recipe, and I think I can deliver. You can find Sue's Pumpkin Bread HERE. My sister, Sue, makes her pumpkin bread every year for the holidays, and it is fantastic, the best I've ever tasted, although my Pumpkin Spice Jar Cake is a close second. Scroll down to the third recipe from the top for the Pumpkin Spice Jar Cake.
Paulette asked about my recipe for Honeybun Cake, and also for my Mama's Cheesecake. The recipe for my Mama's Cheesecake is on my recipe blog, and can be found HERE. Scroll way down for the recipe. The recipe for my Honeybun Cake can be found HERE. I'll be adding more recipes as the holidays draw closer.
Paulette also says she's having trouble with viewing my sidebar and links. Hmmm...I use Firefox as my browser and I have no problems with it generally, but I've noticed that Meow's and Greeneyes' sidebars are whacky for me with Firefox. If I use Internet Explorer, though, they're fine. I think it must be your browser, Paulette, but just in case, here's the link for
I think I was going for the record for most links in blog post. :-)
In other news, Jessica has had a virus this week and has been one sick puppy. She was severely dehydrated from vomiting nonstop, and was throwing up blood at one time. She strained so hard vomiting that it broke blood vessels in her throat, poor baby. Her doctor threatened to put her in the hospital on an IV, but with the Phenergan he sent home with her she is doing better today. Even with the Phenergan she had trouble keeping anything down Tuesday and Wednesday, but she's much better today, thank you, Lord. The Phenergan is in a salve form that she rubs on her wrists. I had never heard of it before her doctor prescribed it for her. That really makes a difference when you can't keep pills or liquids down long enough for them to work.
Jessica goes in a couple of weeks to have an ultrasound, and hopefully find out if she's having a girl or a boy. I told her I hope it's one or the other, LOL. Seriously, I think they want a boy, but we're gonna love it no matter what. I pray it's healthy and she has a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Whether it's a boy or girl doesn't matter in the least to me. As big as she's already getting, I'm wondering if she's carrying more than one. Stay tuned....
The weather around here is very fickle. Less than a week ago, we had a high in the lower 40's and a low of 28F. Today it's almost 80 right now and it will probably make 80F before it starts dropping for the night. You might ask, "What will be the penalty for a sunny, 80-degree day in mid-November?" Well, since you asked so nicely, let me share with you that we are supposed to get severe thunderstorms on Friday. Yay!!! Just one of the fun things about living in the South. Heatstroke one day, and frostbite the next. Occasionally, you can even experience them both in the same day.
I still have to figure out what I'm fixing for supper. No clue right now, but I am getting hungry. No clue what's for Sunday Dinner yet, either, but I'll be back on Saturday for that post, if not before.
One reason I haven't been blogging much is that I have a head cold. I'm feeling better today, but the first part of the week I just felt "Blah". I'll spare you the gory details. I thought sure it was going to turn into a sinus infection, but so far I seem to be beating it, thank you, Lord. As I told Barb earlier in an email, I don't feel like whuppin' a bear with a switch yet, but I feel better than I did earlier in the week, no doubt.
I've got to go feed the growling beast in the living room as well as the one in my tummy. I'm gettin' skeert, LOL. ;-)
Love to all, and God bless.
Thursday, November 9, 2006
Today's News.....
3:15 PM
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I'm glad you're feeling better. I had a feeling something was going on. Poor Jessica! My hubby came home last night after going to do the doctor (surprise to me) with a severe bladder infection. It's the sickest I've ever seen him in 34 years of marriage.
It was 80 here in Colorado yesterday, too - highest temp in Colorado history for November. It felt bizarre. Today it's cold and damp. Maybe a bit of snow. Who knows?? Only the Lord.
"Whuppin' a bear with a switch" - CRACKS ME UP.
Love it.
And I did make your chicken and dressing a couple of weeks was delicious. David loved it.
Mama and Daddy are here tonight, and I'm making a chicken and cornbread casserole (I'll let you know if it's any good), sweet potatoes, butterbeans, apple pie and ice cream.
If you can be here in 30 minutes, we'd love to have you. :-)
Did Jessica get very sleepy? I always get sleepy on the med you mentioned...I hope she is better soon and you too!!
Take care!!
Love & Hugs
Sounds like some mighty tasty recipes for the holidays. I am praying your felt right as rain asap!
Hugs Diane...hope you're feeling 100% soon and Jessica too!! That flu is really going around here, you can't even keep water down and it lasts about a week! I can just imagine how anxious you all are to see what the sex of the baby will be..I don't know if I'd want to know or not! lol Thanks so much for all the links to the recipes:-) You take care of yourself for us xoxo
WOOOOO HOOOO Thankyou Diane. I put the link on my favorites. I am a copying fool with the recipes there are so many awesome ones. As we speak my son is making the cheesecake. I am making 2 of the honey bun cakes to take to a nursing home Saturday as a treat.
This was the exact cheese cake recipe I saw earlier and have been looking everywhere for it. Thankyou so much!!
wow you must be really special, you got an invite from Boomama. Lucky you!!
Well I like that little guy sticking his tongue out, too. He's cute. :-)
Man, you DID break some kind of record for links in a post.
I didn't realize Jessica had been that sick. Poor thing. I'm glad that medicine is calming her stomach down. And when you posted the photo of her tummy a few days ago my first thought was , boy, she's getting big awfully fast. Twins?
Wouldn't that be wonderful? Two brand new babies. Or....maybe one BIG new baby. I agree. Boy or girl doesn't matter one bit. This baby isn't due til what, next May? and I'm already getting excited for you. You are going to love being a grandma!
Wow, Diane, even when there's no news you've got a lot going on. Hope you're feeling better soon, and I'm glad Jessica has found some relief. I gained 60 pounds with during my first pregnancy, but there was only one of Lindsey (thank the Lord) -- man did she have an appetite!
You did write a good post for a no news day. I also hope you both are feeling better soon. My supper's have been a whole lot better the last couple of weeks. P is a good cook and I am learning to set the table & do the dishes pretty well, too. She also does a great job on helping to remind me that I am watching my diet.
I hope you and Jessica are feeling even better this morning. I had that tummy virus a few weeks ago, and it was no fun.
We get to have one more gorgeous day today here in Tennessee before the rain comes through tonight. Hopefully it won't get too nasty for either of us!
Have a great weekend, Diane!
Be better! So glad you're back!
Love the little guy at the top of your post! He's delightful! In a weird sorta-way!
I love your expressions! I didn't know you weren't feeling well. I pray both you and Jessica will be feeling 100% very soon.
That little guy is a hoot! I think your post is always so creative. I just feel happy if I can post a picture every once in a while.
We're having a very warm day too (hot even) - but the temperature is supposed to drop twenty degrees overnight. That's Texas!
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. You're a special lady.
geez. Across the Pacific Ocean, u can make me hungry too.
i really don't fancy baby girls... but my opinion doesnt really matter in this case, no? hahhaha...
and that lil dude up there made me laugh too, when I first saw it on a friend's blog. teehee.
Found my way here from Pea's blog.
For a woman who didn't have much to say you found plenty!! You made me so hungry in doing so. I am going to check out those recipes!!
Yummmm...pumpkin bread!
Hope you and your Jessica feel better soon...that flu crud is making the rounds in Kansas little one has a terrible cough. Thanks for all the great recipes! That honeybun cake makes my mouth water! You are a honey for sure! Take good care...xxxooorRose
I can't wait to hear what she's having - I feel SO bad for her with how sick she is! When this flu hits, it hits HARD. I'm sure morning sickness is not helping her at all. The only things that worked for me was gum and lemon flavored stuff, and Cheez Its. Dry and salty. Don't ask me why!
I am going to try your sugar cookie recipe in my holiday baking. I have yet to have good luck with ones I've tried so far. I always end up tossing it and buying the Pillsbury refrigerated dough!
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