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I think you can probably see from the pictures what kind of weather we're having here in Northeast Arkansas today. Thankfully, the tornadoes and severe weather predicted for our area didn't materialize last night, but our neighbors to the
South and East weren't so lucky. I just visited Jenn's brother, Ryan Vaughan's website, and saw that Montgomery, Alabama was hit by a suspected tornado and they have lots of damage. No word yet on deaths or injuries. Ryan is our weather guy on our local ABC affiliate. I'm sure the people of Montgomery would appreciate our prayers if you feel led to pray for them. BooMama also is very close to the severe weather. I need to email her soon.....
In light of the severe weather others are experiencing, our cold and chilly weather is nothing to complain about. Actually, I love this kind of day.
I'm still fighting with this cold/sinus infection. Some days I feel like I'm winning, other days the bug is winning. Par for the course during this time of year, for me anyway. I still sound like John Wayne at times, but overall I feel okay for the most part.
Jessica had an ultrasound this morning, so I have a little more news to share about the baby, although not as much as I'd like. The technician told her she was only about 13 weeks, but she also said the baby was the most active and most developed she'd ever seen for that age. Something just ain't Kosher there....I still think she's further along than that. They gave her a due date of late May. We'll see. As she has more ultrasounds and measurements along the way, I'm sure that will change several times. Mama and baby seem to be perfectly healthy at this point, which is a HUGE blessing, praise the LORD! For all of you have who have been so kind to ask and comment, Jessica seems to be completely over her recent virus. That's another praise!
I shamelessly stole that dancing teddy bear from my dear friend Greeneyes. I think he's adorable. Thanks, Greeneyes. ;-)
Tonight is Wednesday night prayer meeting at church, so I have to get this posted and get my supper cooked. I fixed a big pot of pinto beans and a skillet of cornbread for supper last night, and tonight I'm using the beans leftover from last night's supper to make Red Beans & Rice. Okay, technically it will be brown beans and rice, but I add some canned kidney beans to it, so it's only fudging a little to call it Red Beans & Rice. It's my own conglomeration, and it's good stuff if I do say so myself. It's also one of Lamar's favorite meals, and only takes about 30 minutes to make if you already have your beans cooked. I try to make extra pinto beans every time I cook them so I'll have them for my Red Beans & Rice. If I can, I'll try to update this and include a picture of my supper when I get it done.
UPDATE: There's the pic. :-)
Gotta go cook so I'll get done in time to go to church. Hope all is well with you and yours, and you're having a great week.
Love to all,
Boy, it looks cold and miserable there, Diane. Here, it's just cold. But what a blessing that the scary weather missed you.
I don't know. Jessica sure looks more than thirteen weeks to me. It'll be interesting to see if they change their tunes as she progresses. And yes, what a blessing that mommy and the peanut are both doing well.
Your red beans sound so good. I'm making a big pot of split pea soup later this week. It's a favorite around here and I love nice rich soup on cold days. I think I'll be buying some red beans next grocery shopping trip, though. Reading this made me realize it's time to make a big pot with some rice and some cornbread. Actually, I like the beans over the cornbread instead of the rice. :-)
Hope your weather improves soon.
We've had some pretty rotten weather here too Diane...just pouring rain, nothing severe, Thank the Lord!
Hope you feel better real soon!
:-D news on the strike negotiations yet...we sit by the TV every time the news airs, but nothing yet...thanks for your concern though!
We are having very strong winds today with warmer temps and more rain forecast. I suppose the rivers will flood again although we really don't need that.
I saw on the weather channel about the severe storms. Thankfully we only got lots of rain here and now the wind has picked up, and it's still sprinkling.
Pinto beans and cornbread. Add onions and fried taters and that's what I grew up on mainly!! Yummy stuff!
Hope you get better soon
like the bear :)
Oooo Jessica might have baby on my birthday 18th May
pleased everything is going well for them
Hi Diane,
So glad that tornado went around you! Jessica got quite the pooch already! Glad all is well with her. Your beans and rice looks yummy. I made a chicken pot pie tonight. Nothing like comfort food is there?
Bill's surgery went well. Thanks for your prayers.
I'm so glad to hear that Mama and baby are both doing well. What a blessing!
The red beans and rice look great, perfect for a cold, rainy day.
That sounds like the perfect meal for a day like you're having Diane. I'm glad you're all safe.
Jessic looks so cute. I have a feeling you're probably right. What do all those fancy gadgets have on mother's intuition and wisdom?
Take care of yourself.
Hi Granny D
Grandma D
Nana D
Momma D
Great news to hear that baby an Mommy are healthy , I am hoping for twins !!!! LOL wouldnt that be something !
Is that the same pic as before of Jessicas belly? Did they find out if baby is an innie or an outie ?Glad Jessica is better .Now for as far as you , I wish you better and May God watch over you throughout the storms and keep ye all safe .
And last but not least , I think Mommy or rather Grandmommy knows best ,,,,,did Jessica have a blood test ??? sometimes they can count the levels of the Hormones in the blood as a date of how far along she is in her Pregnancy .and approximate with dates Jessica has for her estimate . I bet the baby is moving so much cause he/she wants to come out and go on one of your joyrides LOL
Feel better soon
BSH friend
Miss G
i think jess looks prettier, D. hehee... u shameless thing you! stealing from others!
I'm just going to have to call you Grandma Diane, that's all there is to it. I don't think the doctor knows what he's talking about!
Hi Diane,
Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do! Things have slowed down considerably here, so I hope to check in more often. Stay dry and sky looks like your sky, so I'm staying inside today!
Hey D...I'll be prayin for your cold crud to get a move on...and your girl looks more than 13 weeks pregger too but sometimes it is hard to tell with the first baby..My doc told me 2 due dates at first...the calender said one and the size of the babe said another. Now you flung a cravin on me woman! Red beans and rice sounds so good and hearty on this cold fall day! YUM! I love beans in just about any way... shape or fashion though.
Isn't it awesome to look at Jessica's tummy and realize your grandbaby is in there?
I remember all the thoughts I had when my girl's were expecting. It is a very exciting time.
Your beans sound soooo good. MThis morning my sister and I were talking about how mom used to make beans, using the red ones which she called 'brown' beans, cooked with onion and ham hock or shank. She always had a pot of beans simmering on the old wood cookstove on washday. Sometime we had them with bread and butter and sometimes with fried potatoes. These are still my favorite meal.
Jessica looks simply glowing ... pregnancy suits her. She looks a bit further along than 13 weeks, though ... hmmmmm!!
Thank you for your lovely birthday wishes ... hugs to you.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Take care, Meow
Hey Diane,
Have you ever wondered where all the letters go when you hit the backspace key? Well, they go into the used letter bin and are used again so as not to polute the earth. I am not crazy, I have the same cold as you do and am dingy from the Hope you get to feeling better soon. And tanks fer leting me tipe on your paper.
hello Diane!
I got here thru Renny Ba`s site :)
Lucky you for being safe about tornado,and my sympathy to the victims of it...
Is Jessica your daughter?She looks so lovely and lively too,in her pregnancy period.congratulations for having the most developed baby :)
i find your blog interesting,excuse me
for just coming in.
God bless! :)
Hugs Diane...I'm catching up on posts I've missed the last few days! Blame it on being busy getting ready for the holidays:-) Hopefully your weather has cleared up...I heard on the news about all the nasty weather going on in part of the States. Over here it's been just cold enough that if there's any precipation it's snow! Jessica looks just stunning and has that glow about her...good to hear that all is going well with her pregnancy!! Take care of yourself! xoxo
Thanks for taking the time to participate in my Favorite Ingredients Friday recipe exchange! I do appreciate it!
Hey Diane,
My son made your cheesecake and it was awesome. The honey bun cake was out of this world delicious, and a big hit at church!! I plan on making one to take for Thanksgiving snack as well.
Thanks so much dear friend.
Aunty Di! if you see me on msn, please do buzz ! :)
And its raingin here too..and im loving it :D
Hey Diane:) I switched to Beta after I lost my content, hoping it would help. I was a little scared to do it, thinking I'd lose all my comments from before, but I didn't. All Blogger and Haloscan comments are still there, and now I can file my posts into fun little categories that I choose. So I'd say try it!
Thanks for stopping by this afternoon - I will definitely keep that idea in mind! I really do need some alone time!
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